Sunday, January 26, 2014

Bacterial Diseases Risk and Treatment

Bacterial Diseases Risk Factors:

Bacteria live in the deepest parts of the ocean and lower surface of Earth. They can be founded food, water, soil,animals and also plants. Alike, human body is the home for a variety of bacteria.

Bacterial diseases are infected and can result in many serious or life-threatening problems, such as bloodstream harming (bacteremia), renal failing, and and toxic shock problem. Bacterial diseases has limitation on age and days rather anyone can be effected in any age. Despite there are a number of issues that can increase the risk of bacterial infection on human body. Risk factors for bacterial diseases include:

Factors those influence the risk of bacterial attack:
  • Age: Babies are at greater threat for microbial meningitis than individuals in other age categories. However, individuals of any age are at threat. See the table above for which infection more generally impact on which age categories.
  • Community Environment: Infectious diseases are spread usually quickly where a community people stay together. Crowd accommodation like students dormitories, military mess, orphanage center and even commercial hotels are at high risk for distributing bacterial disease.
  • Several Medical Status: There are certain medical complexity and surgical procedures that cause infection from the use of polluted medical equipment. It may weaken the immune system and cause bacterial attack on human body.
  • Nutritional status. Every human being requires a balanced diet that provides necessary nutritional value and natural vitamins for efficient and effective defense reaction. Immune function is affected by factors including hormonal status, age, and nutritional position. Lack of nutrition results in a weak immune system that increases the risk of disease.
  • Travel to New Place: This factor is related with natural environment. Travelers reach from one place to another and try to adjust with new environment, temperature, daylight time, food habit etc. Their immune system try to survive in new environment. But at the beginning, it requires time. As a result , they can easily affected with bacterial disease.
  • Bacterial Infection: Bacterial infections can also be done by a variety of bacteria at human body injury location. Old injury or some unwashed body parts with cutting injury can easily affected by bacteria and initialize an infection.Hospitalized patients suffering from long day injury problem can be affected with bacterial infection.
  • Increase of Probiotics: Probiotics are any food supplement with live bacteria that replace the good bacteria generally available in the gastrointestinal tract. Probiotic strain is unique of its genus and species. So, the condition and its effects are different for every case and can not remove by common medicine.

Bacterial Diseases treatment:

Bacterial diseases are cured with antibiotics. Antibiotics work by eliminating the harmful bacteria or by avoiding them from growing and spreading. Different kinds of medications are effective for treating specific types of harmful bacteria. Antibiotics can be taken by mouth or through injection based on the type and harshness of bacterial disease seriousness and other factors.
Common types of antibiotics are:             
  • Aminoglycosides
  • Cephalosporins (cephems)
  • Macrolides
  • Quinolones
  • Penicillins (penams)
  • Tetracyclines
  Treatment of bacterial infections also includes:           
  • Good nutrition
  • Rest
  • Change food habit
  • Prescribed medications
  • Hospitalization
Protection of the distribute of harmful bacteria that cause bacterial illness is subject to frequent hand cleaning and covering the nasal area with a cloth or tissue during sneezing or coughing. It is also necessary to restrict the contact with a person having bacterial infection.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Bacterial Diseases Symptoms

Signs Of Bacterial Diseases

Bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis is responsible for the infection in lungs and tuberculosis disease. It produces acidic toxin that affects for high fever.

This is caused by the bacteria corynebacterium diphtheriae. It attacks the respiratory membranes and blocks the respiratory passage and result complexity in breathing.

Whooping Cough
Bacillus Pertussis causes this disease. The symptoms is mild fever and an irritating cough. Cough gradually increase and appear as paroxysmal (whooping).

Cholera caused by vibrio comma bacteria. It is transmitted through contaminated food and water. Symptoms of this disease are vomiting, muscular cramps, diarrhoea and dehydration.

This disease results from the food poisoning. Responsible bacteria for these diseases are Escherichia coli, Shigella, Camylo bacteria and Salmonella.

It is caused by a bacterium named Mycobacterium leprae and caused the chronic infection on the tissues and skin. The symptoms for Leprosy are Scabs, Ulcers, Nodules, Deformities of Fingers and damaging of skins. The infected part of the body become Senseless.

A complex harmful bacteria is responsible for this disease: Clostridium Tetani. The bacteria attack the body via damage skin or through  injured body part. The disease is symbolized with pain in attacking parts or muscles. It takes about one or two weeks for bacteria to show first symptoms.

It is caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. It is inflammatory disease of lungs and  characterized by sudden chest pain, cough, rapid shallow breathing and high temperature.

Typhoid is caused by Salmonella typhi which is found in the intestine of humans. This disease spreads through water, milk and food. Food items are mixed with discharges either directly or through flies and personal hygiene. Common symptoms of this disease are headache, fever, diarrhoea, gastric pain, disorder of immune system like ulceration etc.

Generally, Plague is the disease of rat. But is also affected to human body. It is caused by linear shaped bacteria Pasteurella and results rat flea.

It is a serious infectious disease caused by Bacillus anthracis. It is common for animals. It is commonly occurs in wild and domestic lower animals including goat, sheep, cattle, camel etc. But it can also occur in humans when they are close to infected animals.

This disease is affected by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It also denotes a sexual disease also since it is transmitted through sexual touch and infected the mucous membrane of the urinogenital part.


It is another sexual disease caused by a bacteria named Treponema Pilludum. It also transferred from affected body to another body by sexual contacts.